Dear Dodo,
In few hours you’ll be turning three. I can’t believe you are rowing so fast and in few more months you will be in school. I know you don’t like me to call you baby but sill in my eyes you are still my baby. God was so good to me that He gave me the chance to be your mother. I know we have a lot of love-hate moments but I always thank you for that. You have taught me how to become a mother that I have always dreamed of. You always surprise me of those moments when you act so mature that I almost forget that you are just a kid. Thank you for being a referee and reminding us that we have to love each other as a family.

Baby, I hope you grow up to be a better person someday. Please be a good brother to your sister and may you love each other always. Thanks for taking care of Mama and for all your hugs when I feel so sad. Thank you also for helping me when you feel that I am tired of my daily chores. Stay happy always my love.
Always remember that I may not be a perfect mother but I will try my best to be the best mother for you.
I love you so much my baby and Happy birthday!
Much Love,