Roughly more than two years ago, when my nanny didn’t come back from her vacation, I gave up on the idea of hiring one because my mom did all her best just to search for “the one” but unfortunately everyone else is a fail. So ever since, Boboy and I worked hand in hand taking care of the kids thus compromising our usual dates and the last time we had a decent date was X years ago. And I miss it.
When we go to malls, everything else is just chaos. Since the little girl learned to walk, trying to explore her freedom, we ditched the stroller already because it makes it more stressful when she is seated on it. Believe me when malling is chaos but somehow we carry on.

I love to explore new options and test the waters so when I heard about Kids’ Workshop I gave it a try. They have good reviews about it and I knew that it was a “must” to try. Here are the top reasons why you should visit their place:
- Secured. They have electronic security locks wherein they are in control of the persons who are in and out of the place. They also give coded bracelets to the kids with for easy identification.
- Circle Time. They have teachers, which in a short span of time will be there to facilitate an activity that everyone can participate. Despite the number of kids in the playroom, I am amazed how they can control them still wearing a smile.

- Arts and Crafts. They have lots of art activities, which they offer to the kids, should there be kids who are more inclined to art activities instead of play. I am quite surprised too how well my daughter followed instructions on what to do and impressed of her fine motor skills.

- Books. They have quite number of books which is good because it encourages kids at the same time stimulate their imagination.

- Pretend Play Toys. They have wide array of pretend play toys in one corner. I also love to see kids playing pretend play with their kitchen tools.

- Play Room. They have a play area which resembles a play ground, only theirs is indoors. I love how they recreated it to improve the kids’ motor activities with their guidance.

- Computer games. They also offer computer games in the mezzanine area and wii games, which the big kids can enjoy.

However, there are some things which caught my attention which I think is a foreseeable crisis situation. They are the following:
- While they have electronic security locks, it would be much better if they could state which door is for “entrance” and “exit” only.
- I like how they maintain a clean restroom for the kids. I also understand their take on conservation of resources but I think it I best if they just remove the towel which everyone can use after handwashing. This is to prevent cross contamination of bacteria. They could let the kids bring their own towel, which I think every kid does.
- I am a mom who doesn’t deprive my kids with computer games but I hope they could conceal the exposed wires. This is to prevent further injury.
- A snack area is a good idea for kids but I think it would be much better if they serve a more healthy variety of snacks for them.
Overall, my kids and I had a wonderful experience. If only it is a ten-minute ride away from us, I would definitely come back twice a week and at least have that “date” with Boboy even for an hour.
Visit their website here.
Like them on facebook to keep updated with their events here.
Visit their website here.
Like them on facebook to keep updated with their events here.
How about you? Have you tried Kids’ workshop? Share your thoughts.
Disclaimer: My kids were given free unlimited pass to the play area but all information and thoughts in this blog is based from my honest opinion and not influenced in any way.