Before, I had all the time and budget to go to a nail spa, I usually get my nails done twice a week. There was even a time when I couldn't go out of the house just because I have unclean nails. But right now, I don't pay much attention to it.
One of my goals this year is to boost health which I blogged here, and that includes all parts of the body including the nails. Until a product was introduced to me that nail treatment can also be done at the comfort of our homes, so much that I know it is the solution to a perfect healthy looking nails. Here are few reasons to love this product:
Convenient: Your place and your time at any corner of your the house. The kit comes with tools and treatment for perfect looking healthy nails.
Effective: Usually when I had my nails painted, I have this habit of leaving it on for as long as I can remember. i know it's not healthy and those that take care of my nails kept telling me to remove them at least after one week to allow my nails to breathe. When I removed the almost month old polish, I am not surprised to see a yellow colored nail because I was already expecting it. Got the tools, cut the nails, buffed the nails, applied cuticle oil and lotion, then voila! I have healthy looking nails and I don't have to wait in line or call home service just to get my nails done.
Worth the buck: Oooops! Don't raise those brows yet. If you have an idea how much this treatment kit costs, I am sure you will tell me that shelling out huge amount is not a good idea. Premium nail spa services costs me P600 for hands and feet and I usually had them twice a week and sometimes weekly. This product can be used for more than three months depending on its use.
I hope you enjoy them just like I did. Let me know how it worked for you.