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Three years ago since I gave birth to my second child, my little girl who I admit was exclusively breastfed. It was a commitment I made to myself since I failed to do so with my eldest. Being a first time mom to my eldest didn't do well with my breastfeeding journey because everyone else were bombarding me with all the myths. But I am glad that I learned and braved myself enough to finally commit myself to it. Every breastfeeding journey is not that smooth sailing just because of the factors beyond my control.
Three years ago since I gave birth to my second child, my little girl who I admit was exclusively breastfed. It was a commitment I made to myself since I failed to do so with my eldest. Being a first time mom to my eldest didn't do well with my breastfeeding journey because everyone else were bombarding me with all the myths. But I am glad that I learned and braved myself enough to finally commit myself to it. Every breastfeeding journey is not that smooth sailing just because of the factors beyond my control.
When I gave birth to my little girl, she had an infection and stayed in the Nicu for a week. It was yet the most dreadful moment because she needed IV medications. It also meant I could only breastfeed her on a schedule considering I was post CS also. Having to go through all of it, it made me realize that indeed, second time around still needs to ponder on some things. Now, I am again sharing them to you.
Equip yourself with enough knowledge. Surely second time around makes you more knowledgeable and help you correct mistakes from the first one but it doesn't mean you have the right answers to people who try to persuade you otherwise. My little girl was small for her age and her pedia here in the metro told me to mix feed her instead because according to her development will be slowed. Yes, I gave in and I have doubted my supply to the point that I have just caused her allergies and cost me money too. She was already eating solids that time and I should've resorted to focusing on giving her healthy meals.
Ease your doubts away. Yes, we are parents and as much as we would like to give the beat for our children our society is bombarded with too much commercialism so much that we would give in to the marketing strategy. If you have doubts on something, breastfeeding specifically, consult a peer counselor so you will be guided on how you make decisions with your child. Luckily, I did and of course, I had to do some research on those things.
Breastfeeding entails pure dedication. Since I was post CS, and had to discharge myself days earlier ahead from my little girl, I was focused on recuperating myself rather than going to and fro to the hospital. But no, it didn't stop me even the stitches were so painful and that I had to force family members to drive me and accompany me to the nursery. I had to do scheduled breastfeeding for a week since I was out and yes, it was hard on my part. It could've been easy for me just to resort to FM instead but no, I didn't.
Now that she is already three years old, she still comfort feed especially when she wants to be lulled to sleep. She would tell me if it’s okay to drink and yes, I would gladly do because a part of me misses it.
As part of my advocacy in promoting breastfeeding, I would like to encourage you to join Hakab Na 2015, the biggest breastfeeding activity together with other mommies who will come together to breastfeed their babies and toddlers. This is to promote health and economic benefits and create awareness on breastfeeding.

The event will be on August 1, 2015 at 500 Shaw Zentrum, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.
For more details, please visit the website here: http://hakabna.com/
Connect with them thru facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/384992915044541/