It worsened a week after I gave birth to my little boy. It was extremely painful and even bugged my mom to visit our derma. But lo and behold, all I ever needed was a precious moisturizer. Admittedly, I stopped using them eversince I became a SAHM, to sum it up I think it was already 5 years since the last time I put on some.
She gave me initially Cetaphil dermablend mositurizer. It was good until I was out. So I looked for it all over the drugstores but it wasn't available in our place. I had to resort to what I used back when I was in college which is the Pond's cream plus Argan oil but unfortunately I was allergic to it. So I am back to square one.
I had to find a similar moisturizer which is gentle to the skin and non-codomogenic. Until I came accross Celeteque moisturizer. It was a fraction of the price of Cetaphil, and I thought why not try it. After five days of religiously applying it to my face, the redness on my face magically disappeared, my skin was so soft (admittedly it has never been this soft), and my skin just looks so hydrated. I love it because it is non-sticky and feels so light when applied on my face and has also a cooling effect.

Now I find myself a new favorite moisturizer which is readily available in drugstores. Oh, it is affordable too. If I am not mistaken, it is only P100+ per 50g tube. The packaging also is cool to the eyes and I love that it indicates the ingredients on the box. I have tried this also under my make-up and my face looks hydrated all day without being too oily (considering I have oily skin) after applying it.
Have you tried one of these? Share your thoughts.