When it comes to my kids, I always make sure to use products that are safe and trusted by health professionals. In choosing and deciding on what products to use, I always follow certain criteria. It has to be gentle on the skin, fragrance free, and should keep my kids’ skin moist and smooth.
There is one product that my aunt has sent me, which is the Trisopure. I have already used it with my two toddlers and I must say that it passed my criteria. When I used it to my four month old baby boy, it didn’t cause any redness and in fact made his skin smooth. What I like most about it is its fragrance free that it doesn’t have harsh chemicals to it.

Trisopure is kind enough to let you experience this product so 5 mommies will get to try their baby wash. What you need to do is to follow the instructions from the rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You can also join their contest on their facebook page and get a chance to win P1,000 worth of Trisopure Baby wash products.

Here's how you can join:
1. Like Trisopure on Facebook.
2. Register and submit your photo at bit.ly/trisopuremoments
3. Requirements for the photo:
- It must show a bonding moment of mommy and baby.
- TriSoPure Baby Wash (170mL or 400mL) must be present.
4. In the app, type in a caption to briefly describe the photo.
5. Maximum of 5 entries per mom. Photo filters are allowed.
All valid entries will be posted on the app gallery.
The best 30 entries will be short listed following a set of criteria.
Judges will select 15 winners, to be announced on our website.
You can also vote for your favorite #TriSoPureMoment photo! Top 3 fan favorites will receive a special prize from us!
Photo submission deadline: Feb. 29, 2016.