When I had my first born, I didn’t make an extensive research back then about any baby gears/ products. What I did was to go to the mall and buy the best there is. That time, there is one brand, which they recommend, and that is Philips Avent. At first, I was quite skeptical because considering the price point I could buy myself a different brand that serves the same purpose. But I didn’t, because I know in the long run it will be worth the buck. Now that a lot of brands are out in the market, I may have many options but I will always go back to the trusted brand by most of the mommies.
In celebration with Mother’s Day, Philips Avent is helping us mothers in provide information on how to make right choices for our babies. They came up with interesting topics that are in best interest to the parents most especially to the first time mommies.

Frances Sales' Tips to a Beautiful Motherhood:
1. Stick to a simple facial regimen.
2. Keep nails well groomed.
3. Invest in a good hairstyle.
4. Apply make-up.
5. Schedule a regular pamper session.
6. Take care of your body.
7. Use shapewear.
8. Buy clothes in your size.
9. Create a uniform.
10. Be grateful.