When I first learned that I was pregnant again, I had mixed emotions. The feeling of being blessed to carry a blessing for 9 months and the ifs that I will encounter along the way. It was hard because I have two demanding toddlers and nanny-less at the same time. Every chore is quite challenging for me already while taking care of them and making sure that everything is in place and that they are fed properly. Then this. Don’t get me wrong though, it is indeed a blessing. But every pregnancy doesn’t come easy.

There were good days that I had the energy to pay a visit to the grocery store but can only be like two hours tops. I would buy bread, cereals, fruits and milk for the kids.
Our usual conversation would be like:
Eldest: Mama, I already ate sandwich and gave my sister a sandwich too.
Me: Thank you baby for understanding mama.
Yes, I felt so guilty during the times my kids had to fend for themselves while I struggle with my all day sickness. I just didn’t have the energy to move at all. My body was glued to the bed and every move I made feels like energy drained to the maximum level.
Then came the second trimester. I felt so much better. It was nearing my 6th month mark when I can finally tolerate the smell of the food and my taste buds finally gave up on take out food. Finally, I can cook! It was such a delight as I can see that hubby is already longing for real home cooked food. I felt relief, guilt and incompetence all at the same time. But I thank the Lord that I went past it.
Now, I am almost on my 35th week and only a month or so that we will be seeing the addition to our growing family. Glad that I felt so much better despite the feeling of heaviness on my abdomen as well as the nonstop somersaulting inside my tummy that makes it more uncomfortable.
Finally been able to clean the house too and did wall-to-wall cleaning, decluttered, rearranged the furnitures in preparation for the little boy. Yes, I am again expecting a baby boy.
Will still keep you updated with everything in between plus a giveaway that is so long overdue as well as some of my post blog events.