"Mom, my birthday is in three months and xx days. I already told teacher about it and my classmates." Imagine your son saying this over and over again for months. He was really looking forward to his birthday because he wants a celebration just like his brother who had clowns during his first birthday and Christening. I rarely throw parties for my kids, for one, I don't want the hassle of inviting, making follow-ups and dealing with the drama of everything. Do not get me wrong though, I want them to celebrate it in a way they will enjoy every year connecting with the real world. That is the reason why we take them places on their birthday.

This time, on my eldest's seventh, we want to grant his request of celebrating his birthday at Jollibee with friends and family. Yes, he requested Jollibee party and he was excited that he really looked forward to it every single day. It was special to him despite being simple because it was the first time he will be celebrating it with mascots and friends.
But again the dilemma lies with a mother of three without a nanny to book for a party. I was really thinking of going through physical fastfood stores just to book his party and later on realized why not search through google instead if they have online booking. True enough, they have!
Internet really saved me a lot of effort, time and stress going through the hassle of physically booking a party. Just imagine me lugging along three rowdy kids and for sure I will not be able to focus anyway. But in just several clicks and I was able to book my son's birthday party online through Jollibee's online party booking.
You only need to prepare three things though: list of guests, alternatives and a credit card with at least P3,000 to spend for the reservation fee. All you need to do is to go to their website here: Jollibee Online Party Booking.
After going through the booking in their website, here are some tips for you in order for you to still tweak and add a little DIY to your party.
1. Lootbags. I did not add lootbags from Jollibee. Instead, I made our own lootbag wherein we can choose what to include inside the lootbags for the kids and adults.
2. Cake. Every year, if there is a chance to get them personalized cakes on their birthdays, I always order whatever they fancy (cartoon character) for the year. Good thing though that I ordered another cake apart from what I got from their online booking site because they called two hours prior to the party that they couldn't provide a cake on the day of my son's birthday. Good thing I have a Pikachu cake made by @rika or else we will be in trouble. In case you decide to provide a cake on your own, you need to sort it out with the branch first.
3. Prizes for the games. Jollibee provides for small trinkets ofr the kids but you can provide them also with prizes should you wish to add more for the kids.
That's it. Let me know if you have to add something here, leave them below in the comment box.
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