Dear My Love,
Several years ago, I wished to become a mom for the reason that I want to have a family of my own and have a reason for my existence. Everything was falling a part that time. I felt like losing all of what I worked for because everything is not going my way.
But then you came, those tears of failures vanished. In an instant, it became joy. All of a sudden, I am growing a lovely human being inside and from that moment on, I fell inlove once again. The hate and sorrows turned into bliss and laughter. Those months of you in my womb gave me endless anxiety because I was a first time mom. But you never gave me a hard time. You made me strong that I never knew I was. I bravely faced all tests, needles and the pain I have to endure just to see you and hold you in my arms. When I saw you from the OR, you were the most wonderful gift ever given to me. I felt complete.

Please continue to be a good boy and responsible eldest to your siblings. I hope you achieve your dreams one day and that you will never fail to be as humble and as a loving son to us. May you become successful with all your endeavours. We will be here to support you all the way, please remember that.
Happiest birthday my love. We love you so much!
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