Hello there fellow momma! If you have stumbled in this post it means you are curious how to start your cloth diaper journey. In this post, I made a summary some of the questions a newbie mom needs to know.  

What are the cloth diaper types? There are quite few and I made a summary in a separate post here.

How many stash you need to start exclusively? It really depends on the frequency of washing. But to answer the question, you have to count approximately the frequency of diaper change from newborn multiplied by days. Example, diaper change per day for a newborn is 7 times multiplied by two because of course, you need to wash and dry them as well. You approximately need at least 14-20 to start.

What types of cloth diapers do you recommend? It would really depend on what will work for you and your baby. It depends on the lifestyle of your family. Covers are recommended for newborns and for rainy season. Hybrid fitteds are recommend for those babies who are allergic to the inner layer of pocket types and have excessive garter marks.

How do you wash? Frequency? Wash it like a normal clothing or undies. I was my nappies every other day. One load of laundry is approximately 15 diapers with inserts.


  1. Pre-wash. Rinse the nappies until the pee is removed and put them in a pail. Wash off the poop into the toilet and spot clean the poop stain on the nappy. I use Tide bar and put the soiled nappy together in the pail.
  2. Rinse. I do this after three hours and checked if the stains from the diapers are removed. I make sure to rinse them well so that there will be no soap residue.
  3. Regular Wash. I wash the nappies altogether in one load. One tip to prevent the nappies from tangling is to use a mesh.

What laundry detergents are CD safe? Anything that doesn’t contain fabric softeners as it may cause repelling issues. Again, this one is a trial and error.

What is the setting for washing in the washing machine? What I usually do is to rinse the nappies for 30 minutes to remove soap residue from pre wash. Then wash them in delicate mode for 40 degrees centigrade. Every two weeks I wash them at 60 degrees centigrade.

What is stripping? How often do you do it? Stripping nappies is the process of removing gunk accumulated from the diapers. We use RLR treatment in doing this. There are also other stripping procedures available on google. 

What are your thoughts in buying second hand diapers? I buy second ones especially if I would like to try a brand. I just wash it again before using it to my son.

If you have more questions, please leave them at the comment box and I will try my best to answer them based on my experience. Again, I am not an expert on this. I am just sharing with you what I learned from the group as well as my experience on this advocacy.

Fist bump fellow cloth diapering Momma!

For the past months, I have been addicted to skin care. As I have mentioned in one of my moisturizer review, it was a wake up call for me to take care of my skin because I am not getting younger. When I had a regular skin care routine, I noticed that my skin has never been this healthy and glowing.

Recently, I have discovered a new skin care regimen, which I continuously did for four days in a week. I have no idea that it has existed for a long time already because the cave woman in me has been under the burrows of my shelter for too long.

This is the Purederm eye mask. It comes in a resealable pouch with 15 pairs in it. The price is less than a hundred pesos from Watsons. At first I was hesitant to get it because I don’t think it will do any good to my under eyes. But because of my curiosity, might as well.

Prior to its use, I was always sleeping late and I had the most horrible eye bags there is. And I thought, why not try the product and see if there is any good result that it could bring.

What I liked:

  • Refreshing. I usually put my masks inside our fridge so it will be cold when applied to my face. It is so refreshing to the point that I usually fall asleep with it.
  • Reduced Puffiness. As what I have mentioned above, I started using it when I only have three hours of sleep the most. I noticed that it helped reduce the puffy eye bags.
  • Reduced Dark Circles. Coupled with puffy under eyes is the dark circles. It also has dramatically reduced together with its puffiness.

What I do not like:

Packaging. I do not find it sanitary that the sheets are together inside the resealable pack.

Overall thoughts: I love what it does to my under eyes despite the fact that I didn’t expect much from it. Price point is affordable especially to those that are in a tight budget.

This is available at Watsons Drugstores nationwide.

Have you tried one of these? Share your thoughts below.

Live Healthy with Philips on its 60th Anniversary in the Philippines
Philips Gives You the Power to Live Healthy on its 60th Anniversary in the Philippines

Encourages everyone to #LetHealthyHappenNow as part of a healthy lifestyle campaign

Manila, Philippines – The modern worker faces complex day-to-day routines from home to work, leaving little time for wellness activities. Most people are so involved in their hectic schedules that they fail to maintain a balanced lifestyle. This is likely to be the reason why staying healthy has become Filipinos’ number one urgent concern today, according to a recent Pulse Asia survey.

As it celebrates 60 strong years in the Philippines this year, Philips revealed “Giving You the Power to Live Healthy” – a holistic campaign to encourage Filipinos to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 

Philips strives to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation. With its long history, Philips understands the needs and desires of consumers and has a strong heritage of delivering innovation that improves lives - to people, to businesses, to hospitals, to homes and families.

Call to #LetHealthyHappenNow

RJ Buenaventura, Commercial Leader of Philips Philippines Inc., Personal Health Sector, said, “This 2016, Philips reaffirms and strengthens its advocacy in motivating Filipinos from all ages and all walks of life to make healthier choices, enabling us to look forward to a fuller and more enjoyable life for years to come.”

“Being healthy doesn’t happen overnight. If we want to be able to live a long a fulfilling life, we should start living healthy now. We are bringing healthy lifestyle innovations to more Filipino households and to make it easier for them to achieve healthy living,” he continued.

Philips’ 60th anniversary celebration in the Philippines put the spotlight on ‘healthy living’ in a recent event at SM Megamall.

In partnership with Fitness First, guests were able to get a BioScore assessment, a health and fitness calculation that tells them their biological age. The test takes into account one’s lifestyle factors, such as nutrition, sleep, smoking and stress, in addition to health and fitness tests, so one can easily see the areas that need improvement.

Strong at Sixty Advocates

To help drive home the healthy living message, Philips introduced three vigorous advocates who truly show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, leading active lives even beyond their 60s. 

Chino Reyes, 61 years old, shared his enduring passion as a cyclist. Semi-retired, he spends the rest of his time doing what he loves – cycling and hanging out with his young biking group. Helen Marcelo, a yoga practitioner at 71 years old, talked about her life away from stress while promoting the healing benefits of yoga to others. Ana Ordoveza, 63 years old, revealed how she is able to effectively juggle her family life, business and her fitness regime. 

Chino, Helen and Ana perfectly exemplify the core of Philips’ new campaign, which is empowering active and healthy lifestyles regardless of age.

The weekend event also featured the Philips Health Lifestyle Studio - a showcase of Philips’ diverse range of healthy lifestyle mother and child care products, domestic appliances, and personal care products – bringing healthy lifestyle innovations to everyone of all ages.

Holistic healthcare for changing needs

“Philips believes a holistic approach to health is necessary in order to tackle the fundamental changes in our world and society. We can then ensure better patient outcomes by offering an integrated approach from healthy living and prevention to treatment and home care,” said Buenaventura. “Philips’ 60th year in the Philippines is testament to our strong heritage in providing innovations that truly make life better for Filipinos.”

Strong at Sixty Advocates

To help drive home the healthy living message, Philips introduced three vigorous advocates who truly show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, leading active lives even beyond their 60s. 

Chino Reyes, 61 years old, shared his enduring passion as a cyclist. Semi-retired, he spends the rest of his time doing what he loves – cycling and hanging out with his young biking group. Helen Marcelo, a yoga practitioner at 71 years old, talked about her life away from stress while promoting the healing benefits of yoga to others. Ana Ordoveza, 63 years old, revealed how she is able to effectively juggle her family life, business and her fitness regime. 

Chino, Helen and Ana perfectly exemplify the core of Philips’ new campaign, which is empowering active and healthy lifestyles regardless of age.

The weekend event also featured the Philips Health Lifestyle Studio - a showcase of Philips’ diverse range of healthy lifestyle mother and child care products, domestic appliances, and personal care products – bringing healthy lifestyle innovations to everyone of all ages.

Holistic healthcare for changing needs

“Philips believes a holistic approach to health is necessary in order to tackle the fundamental changes in our world and society. We can then ensure better patient outcomes by offering an integrated approach from healthy living and prevention to treatment and home care,” said Buenaventura. “Philips’ 60th year in the Philippines is testament to our strong heritage in providing innovations that truly make life better for Filipinos.”

To find more about Philips’ 60th year anniversary campaign and healthy lifestyle innovations, log on to www.philips.com.ph

Strong at Sixty Advocates

To help drive home the healthy living message, Philips introduced three vigorous advocates who truly show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, leading active lives even beyond their 60s. 

Chino Reyes, 61 years old, shared his enduring passion as a cyclist. Semi-retired, he spends the rest of his time doing what he loves – cycling and hanging out with his young biking group. Helen Marcelo, a yoga practitioner at 71 years old, talked about her life away from stress while promoting the healing benefits of yoga to others. Ana Ordoveza, 63 years old, revealed how she is able to effectively juggle her family life, business and her fitness regime. 

Chino, Helen and Ana perfectly exemplify the core of Philips’ new campaign, which is empowering active and healthy lifestyles regardless of age.

The weekend event also featured the Philips Health Lifestyle Studio - a showcase of Philips’ diverse range of healthy lifestyle mother and child care products, domestic appliances, and personal care products – bringing healthy lifestyle innovations to everyone of all ages.

Holistic healthcare for changing needs

“Philips believes a holistic approach to health is necessary in order to tackle the fundamental changes in our world and society. We can then ensure better patient outcomes by offering an integrated approach from healthy living and prevention to treatment and home care,” said Buenaventura. “Philips’ 60th year in the Philippines is testament to our strong heritage in providing innovations that truly make life better for Filipinos.”

To find more about Philips’ 60th year anniversary campaign and healthy lifestyle innovations, log on to www.philips.com.ph

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