It has been seven long years that I have been a chore slave momma. I have been serving a family of five and every single minute I spend doing chores is just as precious as what I have to spend with them. Time is gold.

I have a confession. If there is one thing that I hate doing is washing the dishes. I could stand all day washing clothes but bot dishes. Why? I grew up washing dishes over and over again because of the non stop grease that won't come off with our dishwashing soap. Imagine, I had to use a bar of detergent to wash dishes? Doesn't sound good right?
But when I became a mom, I had to love what I hated. It comes with it. I had to love washing dishes especially that I love preparing meals and cooking for the family. But in this new generation, there are new products that will save your sanity, just like mine.
What made me love doing chores is the gears and products I use to be able to accomplish them.
I was sent Bubble Man Dishwashing liquid few weeks ago. I had to try it in all sorts of residue before I could make a review about it. So what are my thoughts?
Why do I use them as all around kitchen product? So that I would know how far it could go when it comes to cleaning. I could also use on product for the entire kitchen instead of buying too much products that will become a clutter later on. Saves me money and a lot of effort plus sanity! The time I save from washing dishes and cleaning the entire kitchen is the time I spend with the demanding kids.
Who wouldn't love a product such as this? The best part of it is Bubble Man Dishwashing liquid is a local product and is already available at your nearest grocery stores.
Bubble Man Dishwashing liquid comes in three variants; Kalamansi, Antibac and Lemon. My personal favorite is the Kalamansi.
Price: P32.50 for 270ml and P65 for 880ml
Availability: It is already available in your nearest grocery stores nationwide.
Bubble Man Dishwashing liquid is a product of Mikewell World of Household Products, Inc.
Disclaimer: The products were sent to me for review but all my opinions and thoughts in this blogpost is written honestly.