Losing someone you love is a terrifying situation that no one would ever want to experience. This is the sad reality our society is facing today as every one minute, a child or a woman, becomes a victim of human trafficking.  That's 500,000 head counts in 2016 alone.

Human trafficking is a serious problem in the country and will remain one unless everyone is called to rescue these children.

Take action with Called to Rescue, a non-profit, worldwide organization dedicated to the rescuing of minor children from sex trafficking, violence, and abuse. Founded in 1988 by Dr. Cyndi Romine, who is one of the leading authorities in the fight against children injustices, Called to Rescue is dedicated towards combating child trafficking in three ways: prevention through education and training of youth of all ages and their parents, dedication to the child until he/she has experienced healing, and continuation in every aspect of child trafficking awareness. Called to Rescue Philippines was officially registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in 2009, with Mr. Anthony Pangilinan as its Officer-in-Charge.

Called to Rescue founder Dr. Cyndi Romine and social media supporter Vince Nunez demonstrate basic self-defense to other supporters and volunteers

Child trafficking cannot be tackled alone. That is why it is only through collaborative partnerships with individuals and organizations can this inhumane crime be stopped. Several advocates and social media supporters have recently gathered for an immersion program so that they can also inform and educate their network about the situation and how each one can help. The activity was organized by Called to Rescue supporters Stephanie Henares, communications agency ComCo Southeast Asia and Boutique Burger Kitchen (BBK), a family-oriented diner from Chef Carlo Miguel of Draft Gastropub that serves retro-style gourmet American burgers in the Fort Strip in Bonifacio Global City.  

Defend the defenseless; save the children from being exploited for the gain of traffickers. A child lost to trafficking is the lost child of a devastated and helpless parent. Don’t let that happen to anyone else.

Report trafficking, abuse, and cases of missing children with the Called to Rescue’s local hotline at 0917-541-0287 or visit their Facebook page www.facebook.com/Called2RescuePh/ or website at calledtorescue.com.ph.
When the school year started, I promised myself to do good with the kids' snacks most especially that I have already two kids attending school. I did terrible last year when my son was the only one attending school. I only give him snacks that aren't even prepared with a heart. Most often, he would come home not eating it at all. Never was I proud of it, but this time, I have to do something that will make them happy eating their snacks in school.

Food preparation in every household is the most crucial part in every meal. It is the make or break of the outcome of you food. It's taste, texture as well as presentation matters especially if you are trying to feed a picky eater just like my eldest.

And then one of the brands I grew up with sends a kitchen tool which is considered to be an essential in every household--peelers! Honestly, when this kitchen technology was introduced, I can never go back to those times wherein I had to hate peeling veggies and fruits because it was such a tedious task! Knives were too blunt to even peel veggies wonderfully.

I am just so happy that technology gets even better over the years. The already useful tool you have in the kitchen is now made even better! Who doesn't want it?

Let me tell you the reason what to love with the Click Series of Tupperware:

Organized. Having it's own organizer, wherein it is securely placed that when you hear the click sound, it means it is now ready for keeping. You will never have to deal with kitchen tool misplaced t every corner of your kitchen.

Versatile. A set that can be used in more different kind of vegetables and fruits. Why not? They have vertical, horizontal peelers and wider one that can peel fine strips of vegetables. It has also a peeler for those that have softer surface.

Proven Effective. The fact that they stayed for so many years and still innovating their tools, it means they are proven effective. Who am I to question when I have grown with this brand and see for myself that their product really works. no questions asked.

The peeler set costs Php1,299 (special offer for this month). I guarantee you, this is worth every penny!

Bonus part of it, they have spiralizer which (costs Php189) I have been dying to know which kitchen tool to use because I have been meaning to make some potato spirals at home. Now, problem solved! This one has no sharp edges and kids can even help me make some at home. Perfect bonding for the whole family indeed.

Watch the video on how this genius kitchen tool works and a must for your food preparation.

If you want to know more about their products and other kitchen tools, you may visit them in their social media accounts:

Facebook: Tupperware Facebook
Instagram: Tupperware
Twitter: Tupperware
Website: Tupperware website

People are wired to be social creatures. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook have capitalized on this human need to enormous success. Facebook alone has almost two billion monthly active users as of May 2017. 
However, there’s a dark side to the popularity of social media. Scammers and cybercriminals go where there’s money to be made. The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP ACG) recently revealed that online scams are still the most prevalent, with 555 cases reported in 2016 until the first quarter of 2017.

As Filipinos are known to be the most active social media users in the world, PSBank believes that it is important to be very cautious in using these platforms. To help you avoid being victims of social media scams, here are some tips from PSBank on how to identify and outsmart these scammers:

Know who you are dealing with. If one of your contacts asks for your personal information or money through social media, immediately call him or her through other touch points (e.g. landline or mobile number) to validate their request.

Regularly review your privacy and security settings. Take simple steps to secure your social media accounts. Profiles that are publicly displayed are the most vulnerable to scammers. Look for the Privacy and/or Security options in your social media account and set them up properly. Installing credible anti-malware software also helps to protect your computer or mobile phone’s overall security.

Avoid putting sensitive details on your profile. Remove your home address, phone number, date of birth and any other information that could be used to steal your identity. Con artists obtain key pieces of your personal information from your social media account profile, which they use to recover your account passwords (via the password recovery facility) or apply a bank loan in your name.

Use multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication means it takes more than just your password to access your account or reset your password. An example of this is enabling the One-Time PIN (OTP) that social media sites offer as an added security option. Whenever you login or request a reset of your password, an OTP is sent to the mobile number you registered with the site.

Dodge clickjacking. Did you just read a news header that your favorite singer died? (Click!) Or that you can earn thousands in a day without leaving your house? (Click!) Clickbaits rely on sensationalism or eye-catching thumbnail pictures to tempt you to click on the links or share them. But beware: the links may install malware in your computer that steal personal information or bank log-in credentials. Be wary of these links and verify news through legitimate media sources.

Be Vigilant. If you think that your bank account has been compromised, call your bank’s customer service hotline to report and verify any suspicious activities in your account. At PSBank, you can conveniently and closely monitor any movements in your account through the PSBank Mobile App and PSBank Online.

“Social media is the most powerful communication tool in the world, but it is also the most dangerous. Learning how to secure your accounts and avoid obvious threats goes a long way in protecting your name and money online,” said PSBank Vice President for Information Security Dan Jose D. Duplito.

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